School Life

All ISL students are members of Houses, which are named after major Zambian rivers: Zambezi, Luangwa and Kafue. Belonging to a House gives students an identity within a group that cuts across all years, from Primary through Secondary.
Student House Captains and Vice Captains are elected within each House. These positions give students an opportunity to develop leadership and organizational skills as they assist in choosing teams, organizing events and motivating their House members. House Captains and their Vices are supported by a teacher House Leader.
Guiding Principles of House Competitions:
Maximum participation by all students from each house
Fair play and sportsmanship
Learning how to lose gracefully is as important as winning

Field Trips
Our annual field trips include both day and overnight curriculum-linked excursions organized by teachers, and have been a tradition at ISL since our inception.
Through these activities, we aim to broaden the horizons of our students, and provide them with opportunities to develop skills and understanding beyond the confines of the classroom. School trips are an essential means of promoting collaboration and teamwork, while exploring beautiful parts of Zambia and the world.
Extracurricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities (ECA) allow opportunities for our students to learn new skills and broaden their experiences, while also providing them with platforms to socialize and make new friends.
In addition to our own ECA, we host a number of community groups that offer activities, complementing the offerings provided by the school such as monkeynastics, tennis, chess, horse riding, dance, golf and violin.
Student Council
The main role of the Student Council is to promote the interests of the student community, facilitate student involvement in school affairs and events, and raise funds through events held at school to help improve student facilities at school.
Each class has a Class Representative and there is an Executive Committee that runs the Student Council in association with a teacher mentor. The Executive Council meets once a week, while the whole Student Council meets at break-time on the last Friday of every month.