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Year 1

Clas Description
There are two classes in Year 1. Please see below for our expectations for the year ahead and information about our curriculum.
Reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Numbers, shape and space, data handling, measurement.
Unit of Enquiry
In keeping with the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), Social Studies and Science will be taught within Units of Inquiry. These Units will run for approximately six weeks and will incorporate as many subjects as appropriate.

The Organising Themes with Central Ideas for Year 1 are:

- Who we are
- Where we are in time and place
- How we express - ourselves
- How the world works
- How we organise ourselves
- How we share the planet

Teachers and students will generate questions for inquiry, then activities will be planned to respond to these questions. The classroom becomes a centre for inquiry where students acquire and practise skills and enhance their knowledge.

Personal Social and Physical Education
In addition to the school curriculum, teachers will be addressing issues of PSPE as and when appropriate. In a secure and safe environment the children are made aware of their physical capabilities. We aim to develop their skills through swimming, games, dance and gymnastics activities. In Early Years it is important to develop the learner’s gross motor control and range of physical movements to enable turning, running, jumping, catching and throwing. Students will explore different ways of throwing and catching using different pieces of equipment to develop hand eye coordination and control. Students bounce and roll balls to partner and to self. Students have to show how to throw and catch using a variety of apparatus such as balls, bean bag and quoit or foam spots. In swimming, the focus is on activities progressing from stage one upwards.

Children are required to wear the school PE kit available from the front office. If your child is unable to participate in PE due to ill health, please send in a note.
The Arts curriculum is based on developing creativity, communicating, understanding culture, and making connections. At Year 1 level children are also taught how to hold brushes, charcoal, pencils and scissors. We will experience a range of medium and exploring in making collage, mixed media, painting, sticking, cutting, drawing portraits, texture and recycled material.
This year in Music Year One students will be learning about: Pitch, Pulse Rhythm, Duration and instruments. Throughout the year we will have listening activities, singing and we will be playing percussion instruments.
Information and Communication Technology
We will consolidate our keyboard and mouse skills this year. Children will be introduced to Word processing, mind mapping through Kidspiration and drawing applications.
Year 1 students have one scheduled visit during the week. Lessons encompass literature appreciation, support for the units of inquiry, information literacy skills, and technology instruction. They borrow one library book which may be kept for one week and renewable. Students may not check out new materials until all items have been returned. Overdue notices are given to homeroom teachers. Parents are welcome to borrow up to 5 books for 2 weeks.
French and Spanish
In Year 1, our Modern Foreign Language programme is composed of two sections. In the first section, children look at ways that we use languages to communicate our feelings and how languages help us better understand the world around us. We also look at Spanish/French speaking countries and their identities as well as expression through a variety of means (rhythms and patterns). In the second section, we focus on the community around us, transformation of products and the importance of plants. Through these topics, children are able to learn vocabulary related to the transition from farm to shop (factory, farm animals, milk cheese, sausage, wheat, flour, etc.) as well as aspects specific to Francophone and Hispanophone cultures. We also use all opportunities to review basics such as colours and numbers.
Zambian Studies
Zambian Studies is a new programme in the school which will focus on the social and cultural aspects of the host country Zambia. Learners will have the chance to interact in the various Zambian languages with the focus on Chinyanja.
Students should be reading every evening for about 15 minutes and spend no more than 15 minutes on their homework each evening. Homework may not always be about putting pen on paper. It could be that they are asked to play a game or make one up. It could be dramatic, musical and/or creative. Homework will rarely be given on a Friday.

We look forward to working together with you this year and wish everybody a most enjoyable and fruitful year.
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