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Clas Description
Welcome to the Reception programme. Reception is an excellent introduction to “school”. It fosters children’s natural love of learning by building on their curiosity. The programme helps children to learn to express themselves, communicate and represent ideas, feelings and knowledge about the world and serves as a bridge between earlier school experiences and “formal” school.

There are two classes in Reception. Please see below for our expectations for the year ahead and information about our curriculum. Click on the + icons below to find out more.
While we are teaching English, other languages are always encouraged and home languages are celebrated. The children will focus on the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. We are using the Letters and Sounds scheme from the British Primary National Strategy.
Children begin to understand mathematics through numbers, counting, comparing, shapes, patterns, measuring quantities, graphing and sorting. The calendar activities conducted during Circle time are an important aspect of the mathematical programme. The concepts are reinforced through the use of ‘hands on’ Maths materials. Many recording activities are also carried out. They are encouraged to use and develop appropriate Mathematical Vocabulary in all areas. Most children are able to read and write numbers to ten by the end of Reception.
Units of Inquiry
In keeping within the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), Social Studies and Science will be taught within Units of Inquiry. These Units will run for approximately 8 weeks and will incorporate as many subjects as appropriate.
Personal Social and Physical Education (PSHE)
In addition to the school curriculum, teachers address issues of PSPE as and when appropriate. In a secure and safe environment the children are made aware of their physical capabilities. We aim to develop their skills through swimming, games, dance and gymnastics activities. In Early Years it is important to develop the learner’s gross motor control and range of physical movements to enable turning, running, jumping, catching and throwing.

Students use a range of equipment in different ways and play simple fielding and invasion type games. In swimming, the focus is on activities progressing from Step 1 upwards.

Children are required to wear the school PE kit available from the front office. If a child is unable to participate in PE due to ill health, a note has to be sent in by parent.
In music, students explore different families of instruments. They learn different songs and discover how to manipulate music to fit how they feel.
Information and Communication Technology
The students consolidate their knowledge of technology and are encouraged
to use IT vocabulary, where appropriate, to support their learning. At this level, mouse skills are emphasised. Basic keyboard skills are introduced later on in the year. The children are also given opportunities to use Learn Pads to develop their learning.
All students visit the library once a week. During their visit, they select books to bring home and enjoy a story read to them by the librarian. They learn how to take care of books, develop the responsibility for returning books, understand the role of the author and illustrator. They become aware of the location of picture books, the different parts of a book and are introduced to basic citation. Parents are welcome to borrow up to 5 books for 2 weeks.
Zambian Studies
Our lessons incorporate what is learned in class, using local vernacular. We consolidate and make terms familiar and fun to learn.
Students will begin with reading picture books and by the end of term 2 most children will be reading word books. Children should be reading every evening for about 10 minutes and spend no more than 20 minutes on their homework each evening. Homework is given on Monday and the book should be returned on Friday. Homework is not always be about putting pen on paper! It could be that they are asked to play a game or make one up! It could be dramatic, Musical and or creative!

Please come and see us if you have any questions or concerns. It gives us great pleasure to work with children each year and we look forward to a fun and productive year.

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